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Who we are

We are Alma-Bed, an Italian company specialized in the research and development of cutting-edge mattresses.

We work from a B2B, business to business perspective, therefore we focus on the commercial needs of the companies we address to in order to create the best product together with them in terms of quality-price-service ratio.

Our strength

Our strength is essentially based on our scientific research, but also on the dedicated consultancy we can offer to achieve the goal together with the companies we turn to.
The goal of increasing sales and turnover is not easy to achieve, especially when a company decides to plan and apply a marketing strategy on its own.
Alma’s support therefore also pushes to collaborate in strategic terms.

Our aim

With the ultimate goal of generating an increase in turnover, Alma’s support is not limited to sample or resource use support, but also focuses on the 360° experience that can pave the way for innovative ideas, avoiding to run into mistakes and acquire skills in the field that give the right boost to product campaigns, producing results in less time. Planning strategies with the aim of increasing turnover is not a trivial matter, complexity concerns the activities to be undertaken, but also the right times and ways.

We offer all our skills for the development of proven methodologies, avoiding errors, wasting time and money on both sides.

To be sure of generating results, increasing the number of concrete commercial opportunities, closing more contracts and therefore increasing turnover, Alma is constantly engaged with its commercial partners, regularly updating models, solutions and alternatives.


Comfort, breathability, temperature control, quality and research on raw materials are what make our products unique.

Look at the products


Alma’s experience in the bedding sector has led to the development of a quality, complete, innovative and sustainable service.


Production process

There is no production without continuous research, our department is always oriented towards finding innovative foams, in terms of effectiveness, sustainability and durability.

Look at the production process

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